Mar 24, 2012
Texas Spring / テキサスの春
Bluebonnets are sooooo pretty!
ブルー ボネットはめちゃめちゃ綺麗。
Mar 23, 2012
My first train ride in Austin / 初めてオースチンで電車に乗った
Metro Rail made me to think about taking trains in a countryside in Japan. They do not have many trains running every hour and it seemed not many people use it.
The train that I took was a lot cleaner and quieter than the ones that I took in NYC or Chicago. I wondered how this Metro Rail system will develop in future.
Mar 21, 2012
La Condesa
Finally I am back in Austin after 9 months of NYC and Chicago. My friend and I went to La Condesa for lunch after I arrived to Austin.
オースチンで私が一番好きなレストランはLa Condesa! オースチンに到着してすぐに友達とお昼を食べにLa Condesaに行きました。
Of course I ordered my favorite Mexican corn<3
メキシカン コーン大好き。
Mar 20, 2012
Tonkatsu cooking lesson with Piper and Ginger / パイパーさんとジンジャー ちゃんのとんかつレッスン
Piper got interesting tomatoes from Whole Foods. They had a lot more flavor than usual tomatoes. I enjoyed eating them very much.
Tonkatsu came out well this time too. We ate a lot!
Michigan lake / ミシガン湖
I lived in Chicago for 4 months. Finally I got to visit Michigan lake 1 day before I left from Chicago because of the cold weather. It was nice to walk around by the lake. I saw many people enjoying much warmer weather with their dog.
Michigan lake video / ミシガン湖のビデオ
Michigan lake is strange to me because it looks like the ocean, but it is a lake. Whenever I visit there, I keep telling myself that it is a lake not the ocean.
Mar 18, 2012
Ethan James Salon / Ethan Jamesサロン
I met an Asian girl with a cool haircut at my friend's house warming party about a month ago. Whenever I meet an Asian girl with a cool haircut, I always ask her where she got her haircut from. She told me she went to Ethan James Salon that is located in West Chicago. Also she told me that I can get $20 discount if you go there for the first time. Their original women's haircut price is $65.
一ヶ月くらい前に友達の家のパーティーに行ったら、かっこいい髪型のアジア人の女の子に会った。彼女からシカゴの西にあるEthan Jamesサロンで髪を切ったと聞いた。初回は$20オフになると聞いたのでもっと行ってみたくなった。ちなみにもともとの女性のカット代金は$65。
I love my new haircut. Many female friends asked me where I got my new haircut from. I recommend Ethan James Salon and getting a haircut from Hannah!
This is Ethan James' website!
ちなみにこちらが Ethan Jamesサロンのサイトです。
Mar 17, 2012
Japanese breakfast cooking class / 和食の朝食に挑戦
Sarah asked me to teach her typical Japanese breakfast. I had 5 ladies (Sarah, Miiri, Amy, Laura and Lynette) who wanted to learn how to cook Japanese food!
I thought about making sake no shio yaki (salted salmon grilled fish), yudoufu (warm tofu), tamago yaki (sweetened egg), spinach gomaae, miso soup and some rice, but I realized that we do not have time to go to Mitsuwa to buy some fish and tofu. So our menu became nikujyaga (meat and potato), tamago yaki (sweetened egg), spinach gomaae, miso soup and some rice.
Look at all kind of different sake in the center of the table!
2 eggs
dashi 1/2 teaspoon
soy sauce 2/3 tablespoon
mirin 1 teaspoon
cooking sake 1 tablespoon
sugar 1/2 table spoon
water 1 table spoon
Whisk all the ingredient in a bowl. I like to use some butter instead of some oil when I cook tamago yaki. You make tamagoyaki just like you make your omelette except you keep adding layers and make tamago yaki shape with a bamboo mat after when it is done. Let it cool down for maybe 10 minutes and cut it.
Sarah told me that she never had Japanese sweet potatoes. I wanted her and her friends to try some just like Bonnie. I decided to make some Japanese sweet potato miso soup this time as well.
water 2 cups
dashi 1 teaspoon
sweet potato 1 medium to big size
miso paste 3 tablespoon
some green onions
セラさんは日本のサツマイモを食べた事がないと言っていたので、お味噌汁はまたまたサツマイモのみそ汁にしました。 I was surprised to see how many people in Chicago knew the word, gomaae because it was not like that in Austin, Texas.
Clean spinach in cold water; cook it for 1 min in boiling water with salt. Drain hot water, cool it down with cold water and chop it up. Toast white sesame seeds in a pan until they smell good and grind them while they are still hot. Mix 1 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon sake, 2 teaspoon mirin and 2 teaspoon soy sauce in a bowl. After that put toasted sesame seeds a bowl with the mixture and mix them together. Combine this sesame seeds mixture like salad dress with spinach.
NIKUJYAGA (meat and potato)!!!
Peel skin of 3 potatoes, cut them into 2 bites size and put them in cold water. Peel skin of 1 carrot and cut it into 1 bite size. Slice 1/2 yellow onion into thin slices. Cook a bag of shirataki noodle in boiling water for 3 minutes, rinse with cold water and chop it up. Slice 100 gram of beef into 1 bite size. Put some oil in a pan, then beef and stir until it changes the color. After that put onion, potatoes, carrot and stir and cook for a few minutes. Add 2 cups of dashi soup (water and dashi), 3 table spoon cooking sake, 2 table spoon sugar and cook for 3 minutes. Add 2 table spoon mirin, 4 tablespoon soy sauce and remove some foam on top of nikujyaga. Wrinkle an aluminum foil and use it as a lid. It is called otoshibuta in Japanese. It will remove extra foam for you. Cook it until you do not see much soup in Nikujyaga.
We had some extra sweet potatoes, so we made some sweet snack for us. We added some butter and sugar and smashed them like mashed potato and here they are!
Miiri wanted to learn how to make some rice balls. I gave taught them how to make rice balls too.
Sorry, this photo is not focused!
Mar 16, 2012
27 weeks pregnant today / 妊娠27週目に突入
妊娠27週目に今日から突入。体重の増加を歩いたり階段を登るたびに感じるようになり妊娠初期のように呼吸するのがちょっと大変になってきた。なぜだか今でも私が妊婦である事は言わないと他人には気づいてもらえません。 Old Navy gave me a coupon to get a free baby bodysuit, so I got this cute one for free! I felt strange to imagine that there will be a little baby who will be wearing this tiny bodysuit in June.
Old Navyから赤ちゃんの洋服を無料でもらえるクーポンをもらったのでこの可愛い洋服をゲット。6月にはこの服を着る赤ちゃんが私の体の中にいるんだと考えさせられ不思議な気分になった。
I realized that my face has started to get chloasma gravidarum. I was hoping that it will be okay because the sun in Chicago is not as strong as Texas, however I read that my spots may be caused by hormones during my pregnancy. I was told to put some vitamin E oil where my spots are in order to prevent them getting bigger.
ガーン。妊婦さんに出る肝斑が私の顔にも出始めた。テキサスと比べたら日差しの弱いシカゴだから大丈夫かなと思っていたのに••• シミは妊娠によるホルモンでもできたり増えたりするみたい。ビタミンEのオイルをシミが気になる所に塗るようにと薬局の人に進められた。シミが大きくなるのを防ぐそうです。
I am still not that into sweets and fried food often gives me heartburn. Grapefruits still taste amazing after I got pregnant. I hear grapefruits got some folic acid. Maybe your body knows what is good for you and your baby naturally.
Mar 14, 2012
Tonkatsu cooking lesson / とんかつクッキングレッスン
After the okonomiyaki cooking lesson, I went to Bonnie's apartment to give her tonkatsu cooking lesson. Her boys, Sam and Ben helped us too. We also made some Japanese sweet potato miso soup and spinach gomaae.
アメリカのサツマイモは日本のサツマイモよりは水っぽくて美味しくないと私は感じます。最近ではアジアのスーパーに行けば日本のサツマイモが手に入るので日本のサツマイモを食べた事がないと言ったボニーさんにおすすめしてお味噌汁に入れる事にしました。 Cleaned spinach in cold water; cooked it for 1 min in boiling water with salt. Drained hot water, cooled it down with cold water and chop it up. Toasted grind white sesame seeds in a pan until they smelled good. Mixed 1 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon sake, 2 teaspoon mirin and 2 teaspoon soy sauce in the bowl. After that put toasted sesame seeds a bowl with the mixture and mixed them together. Combined this sesame seeds mixture like salad dress with spinach.
ほうれん草の胡麻和えはポールに砂糖、みりん、酒、醤油を入れて混ぜてそれにフライパンで煎ったすりゴマを加え、食べる直前にゆでたほうれん草を入れて混ぜました。久しぶりに食べたので感動してしまった。I think making tender tonkatsu is hard, but we did a great job this time because Bonnie pounded the pork meat really well! We massaged some salt and pepper into the meat after pounding.
とんかつを柔らかくジューシーにするには豚肉を良く叩く事が大事。ボニーさんが一生懸命叩いてくれたので柔らかくて美味しいトンカツになりました。叩いた後は塩と胡椒でお肉をマッサージ。 Ben and Sam helped us to put some flour, eggs with oil and panko on the pork meat before frying in a pan. They did a great job!!!
ベンとサムには下準備した後のお肉に小麦粉と油を少し加えた卵とパン粉をつけて揚げてもらいました。Here is the finished one! Our tonkatsu was delicious!
とても美味しく出来上がりました。Bonnie's husband joined us a bit right before his soccer practice.