Mar 16, 2012

27 weeks pregnant today / 妊娠27週目に突入

26 weeks pregnant by fumika yamamoto
26 weeks pregnant, a photo by fumika yamamoto on Flickr.

I am 27 weeks pregnant from today. I can feel my extra weight on my body whenever I walk or climb up stairs. Breathing has become difficult again just like my 1st trimester. I find it strange that still many people do not realize that I am pregnant unless I tell them.

Old Navy gave me a coupon to get a free baby bodysuit, so I got this cute one for free! I felt strange to imagine that there will be a little baby who will be wearing this tiny bodysuit in June.

Old Navyから赤ちゃんの洋服を無料でもらえるクーポンをもらったのでこの可愛い洋服をゲット。6月にはこの服を着る赤ちゃんが私の体の中にいるんだと考えさせられ不思議な気分になった。

I realized that my face has started to get chloasma gravidarum. I was hoping that it will be okay because the sun in Chicago is not as strong as Texas, however I read that my spots may be caused by hormones during my pregnancy. I was told to put some vitamin E oil where my spots are in order to prevent them getting bigger.

ガーン。妊婦さんに出る肝斑が私の顔にも出始めた。テキサスと比べたら日差しの弱いシカゴだから大丈夫かなと思っていたのに••• シミは妊娠によるホルモンでもできたり増えたりするみたい。ビタミンEのオイルをシミが気になる所に塗るようにと薬局の人に進められた。シミが大きくなるのを防ぐそうです。

I am still not that into sweets and fried food often gives me heartburn. Grapefruits still taste amazing after I got pregnant. I hear grapefruits got some folic acid. Maybe your body knows what is good for you and your baby naturally.


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